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5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life

Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
VB Health
December 19, 2023

Many couples are looking for ways to enhance their intimate experiences. Whether you're in a long-term relationship, married, or exploring new connections, adding a bit of spice to your sex life can deepen bonds and heighten pleasure. Let's explore five effective methods to rejuvenate and invigorate your sexual journey.

1. Confess Some Sexual Fantasies

Sometimes the key to spicing up your sex life is simply better communication. If your partner doesn't understand what you want they can't help you. Plan a nice date and start talking!

  • Open Communication: Start by creating a safe and non-judgmental space for sharing. Begin with less intense fantasies and gradually build up as you both become more comfortable. You should eventually be able to share what really gets you off. We recommend starting this talk in a non-sexual setting, like at a romantic dinner.
  • Use Indirect Cues: If verbalizing is difficult, use movies, books, or stories that mirror your fantasy as conversation starters. Observe your partner's reactions and proceed accordingly. If your partner is OK with it you can even share your favorite adult video.

2. Use Sex Toys, Accessories, and Outfits

  • Explore Together: Visit a sex toy shop or browse online stores together. Discuss what each toy does and express your curiosities and apprehensions. Try a few out! Even if you don't end up buying anything (they can be expensive) you might spark some fun ideas to try out later.
  • Educate Yourselves: Learn about different types of toys – vibrators, rings, anal toys, etc., and how they enhance pleasure. Not every toy needs to go inside. Attend workshops or read articles together about how to use different toys. This can be both educational and a form of foreplay.
  • Safety First: Always prioritize safety and hygiene. Choose body-safe materials and keep your toys clean. When in doubt, avoid oil based lubes and use water based.

3. Try New Sex Positions

  • Exploring Beyond the Norm: Venture beyond the usual positions. For example, try positions that allow for deeper penetration, different angles of stimulation, or increased clitoral stimulation.
  • Learning Together: Use resources like the Kama Sutra or online tutorials to learn about new positions. Practicing these can be fun and lead to unexpected discoveries about what feels good. Like we said before, sex workshops can also be a great place for learning fun new things, especially positions.
  • Customization: Modify positions based on comfort, flexibility, and endurance. Use pillows for support and adjust angles to find what feels best. We recommend starting with some stretching or yoga (together!) so you're both adequately flexible and safe.
  • Benefits: Trying new positions can reignite passion, provide new forms of pleasure, and break the monotony. It’s a journey of exploration that can bring lots of laughter and closeness. It's not always going to be a movie. Someone is bound to fall over or accidentally take a stray foot to the face. Enjoy the ride!

4. Build Stamina

Sex can be a lot of work. If you're not appropriately in shape you won't be able to put forth your best possible effort. Aside from general exercise, here are some ideas to keep you powerful in bed.

  • Exercises for Endurance: Incorporate exercises specifically aimed at sexual stamina, like cardio for endurance and yoga for flexibility. Focus on exercises that enhance thrusting power and control.
  • Mind and Body Connection: Practices like tantra or mindful sex can enhance endurance by focusing on the sensory experience rather than the end goal. This approach can lead to more intense and prolonged sessions.
  • Regular Practice and Patience: Building stamina takes time. Regularly engaging in sexual activity, with a focus on lasting longer each time, can gradually increase endurance.
  • Benefits: Improved stamina can lead to longer, more fulfilling sex sessions, allowing both partners to explore and enjoy each other more fully.

5. Sexual Health Supplements

  • Holistic Approach: Supplements should be part of a holistic approach to health. Ingredients like L-arginine, zinc, and certain vitamins can improve blood flow and energy levels. Instead of randomly dosing it's recommended to use a safe and effective supplement like Load Boost which is often used to increase precum and cum more.
  • Experimentation and Choice: With a plethora of supplements available, experiment to find what works best for you. Some may increase libido, like Drive Boost, while others can enhance endurance or intensify orgasms.
  • Safety and Moderation: Always prioritize safety, starting with lower doses and monitoring how your body reacts. Avoid anything with questionable ingredients or promises of instant results. Most of all, we recommend avoiding supplements that use a "proprietary blend" as you don't know what's in them.
  • Benefits: The right supplements can enhance sexual function, increase libido, and improve overall sexual health, contributing to a more satisfying sex life.


Revitalizing your sex life is a thrilling and rewarding adventure that can significantly deepen the connection between you and your partner. By openly sharing fantasies, incorporating toys and accessories, experimenting with new positions, building stamina, and considering supplements, you create a fun collection of experiences that not only enhance pleasure but also foster a deeper emotional bond. These methods aren't just about physical satisfaction; they're about exploring and understanding each other's desires, building trust, and nurturing a more intimate and fulfilling relationship. As you embark on this journey, remember to approach each step with an open mind, mutual respect, and a spirit of adventure. The key to a spicy and vibrant sex life lies in the joy of exploration and the shared experiences that bring you closer together.

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Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
©2024, VB Health

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