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The Science Behind Drive Boost

Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
VB Health
March 28, 2023

Drive Boost is a carefully formulated blend of natural active ingredients Tongkat Ali and Maca designed to support hormonal function, male fertility, and energy efficiency. Ultimately, our powerful formula optimizes your levels of endurance, performance, and sex drive!  

It’s not uncommon to look for ways to boost your sex drive.

Although pharmaceutical drugs like Viagra may help people with a penis get an erection, many people prefer natural alternatives that are readily available, discreet, and likely to have fewer side effects.

Research has shown that several foods and supplements may help boost your libido and treat erectile dysfunction (ED), if that’s a concern for you.

In this article, we'll cover lists popular sexual health supplements that may help spark your sex drive.

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia)

What is it?

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia or Malaysian ginseng) roods have long been revered as a potent anti-aging remedy in addition to its powerful effects on increasing libido and sports performance.

Does it work?

Yes. Extensive research of E. longifolia reveals significantly increased systemic testosterone with daily supplementation. Tongkat has also been shown to greatly decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, clinically significantly decreasing both men’s amount of experiencing and expressing anger, tension and confusion. Lean body mass improvement and loss of abdominal fat has been noted in study participants.

Maca  (Lepidium meyenii)

What is it?

The maca plant, also called Lepidium meyenii or “Peruvian ginseng,” is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale.

Maca products have seen a surge in popularity in recent years due to claims they may help increase libido and fertility. Maca is now grown worldwide, including in China’s Yunnan province.

It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, macamides, macaridine, alkaloids, and glucosinolates.

Does it work?

Yes. Maca increases libido (sex drive) and also combats erectile dysfunction. Maca begins its effects after use for 6 weeks. It significantly improves sexual desire in men and post-menopausal women. 


What is it?

Arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid, or protein building block your body uses to create nitric oxide (NO). NO is a compound responsible for vasodilation, the mechanism of penile erection.

Does it work?

Study participants who consumed L-arginine produced erections with significantly higher intra-penile pressures, effectively producing stronger erections. This amino acid is used as a treatment for mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. L-arginine also improves resting penile blood flow. Increased blood flow allows for more oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues and more export of toxic waste products created during routine metabolism.

Ginseng (Eleutherococcus, Panax Ginseng)

What is it?

Similar to L-arginine, ginseng significantly increased intracavernosal pressures (the space in the penis where blood flows to create an erection). This plant has a benign adverse effect profile and has not been shown to significantly interact with other medications.

Does it work?

Yes. Panax ginseng may benefit sexual function in people with penises and also in people with vaginas. It may also provide additional health benefits. Many men experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) as they age, and Ginseng is commonly used as a natural remedy. Also known as impotence, ED is an occasional (or prolonged) inability to get or maintain an erection.


What is it?

Zinc is the second most abundant mineral in your body after iron. It is mostly stored in muscles, bones, prostate, and the liver - but is found in almost all body tissues. Zinc aids in enzyme function to control DNA expression, vitamin A metabolism, cell membrane stability, and your senses of smell and taste, among other things.

Does it work?

Yes. The prostate gland intrinsically harbors more zinc than other tissues in the body. Consuming this vitamin aids in prostate health by providing essential nutrients to the gland. This essential nutrient is also protective against benign prostate hyperplasia. A condition that 33% of men experience by the age of 50 years.


  1. Efficacy and Safety of Common Ingredients in Aphrodisiacs Used for Erectile Dysfunction: A Review (Baylor College of Medicine)
  2. Effect of Tongkat Ali on Stress Hormones and Psychological Mood State in Moderately Stressed Subjects (The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)
  3. Maca (L. meyenii) for Improving Sexual Function: A Systematic Review (Division of Clinical Medicine, Pusan National University)
  4. Do Antioxidants Improve Serum Sex Hormones and Total Motile Sperm Count in Idiopathic Infertile Men? (Department of Urology, Mersin University School of Medicine)
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Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
©2024, VB Health

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