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Postpartum Libido Issues

Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
VB Health
December 19, 2023

Navigating Sexual Health Post-Pregnancy

Postpartum sexual health is a complex and multifaceted aspect of women's overall wellbeing. It involves a transition not just physically but also emotionally and socially as women adapt to their new roles as mothers. This period requires understanding, support, and appropriate health interventions to ensure women can navigate these changes effectively.

Understanding the Changes

The postpartum period is a time of significant transition for women, encompassing not only physical recovery from childbirth but also psychological and emotional adjustments to motherhood. One aspect that often gets overlooked during this time is sexual health. Navigating the complexities of postpartum sexual health is crucial for new mothers, as it can significantly impact their overall wellbeing and quality of life.

  • Physical and Psychological Impacts: Pregnancy and childbirth bring about significant physical and psychological changes. Many women experience issues like dyspareunia (painful intercourse), changes in libido, and alterations in body image. For instance, in Nigeria, over one-third of women reported dyspareunia within six months post-delivery​​. These changes can affect a woman's perception of her sexual health and intimacy (1).
  • Cultural and Social Aspects: The transition to motherhood also involves adapting to new household dynamics and responsibilities. In a study conducted in Spain, themes like not feeling ready for sexual resumption, socio-cultural factors affecting sexual health, and the lack of discussions about postpartum sexual health with clinicians were highlighted​ (2)​.
  • Importance of Partner Support: Partner support plays a crucial role in navigating postpartum sexual health. The feeling of being overloaded by new responsibilities, coupled with fatigue, can impact sexual health, making the partner's role in providing support and understanding essential​​.

The Role of Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers play a pivotal role in guiding women through their postpartum sexual health journey. There's often a gap in the discussion and management of sexual health issues during postnatal care. We emphasize the need for a more proactive approach by healthcare professionals, including better communication, tailored care, and the integration of evidence-based practices in postpartum sexual health.

  • Lack of Focus in Postnatal Care: Despite the importance of sexual health in the postpartum period, it often receives little attention during prenatal or postnatal care. This lack of focus can leave women feeling unsupported and uninformed about the changes they are experiencing​ (3)​.
  • Need for Tailored Care and Communication: Healthcare providers need to be more actively involved in discussing postpartum sexual health. Clinicians should be present, engage in active communication, and provide individualized care that considers the unique experiences and preferences of each woman​​.
  • Incorporating Evidence-Based Practices: Evidence-based practices that incorporate research findings, women's preferences, and clinical expertise should be integrated into postpartum care. For example, some women took supplements like vitamin B6 for fertility but will need to change their supplementation after pregnancy. This approach ensures a more comprehensive understanding of and response to postpartum sexual health concerns​​.

Promoting Positive Sexual Health

Promoting positive sexual health post-pregnancy requires a multifaceted approach. This section highlights the importance of educational and supportive interventions for new mothers, addressing cultural and social barriers that may prevent women from seeking help, and the need for ongoing research to develop effective strategies and guidelines for postpartum sexual health care.

  • Educational and Supportive Interventions: There is a need for increased sexual health education and counseling for postpartum women. Interventions, such as pelvic floor muscle exercises, have shown to positively impact sexual health, including increased libido and satisfaction​​.
  • Addressing Cultural and Social Barriers: It's crucial to challenge cultural practices and norms that may hinder women from seeking help for postpartum sexual health issues. Creating affirmative environments that promote positive sexual health and normalize discussions around it can help in mitigating these barriers​​.
  • Research and Development: Further research is required to understand the diverse experiences of postpartum sexual health in different cultural contexts. This research will aid in developing more targeted interventions and guidelines to support women during this crucial period​​.

How To Fix Low Libido Postpartum

Adjusting to the myriad changes postpartum often includes navigating shifts in sexual desire. Many new mothers experience changes in libido due to hormonal shifts, physical recovery needs, and the emotional demands of caring for a newborn. Understanding these changes and finding ways to address them is essential for both physical and emotional well-being. Communication is the most important aspect with your partner, but we also recommend the following:

  • Normalizing the Experience: Recognize that changes in libido are a common postpartum experience. Understanding that it's a normal part of the transition can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Hormonal Considerations: Hormonal changes, especially related to breastfeeding, can impact libido. Estrogen levels, which can decrease postpartum, particularly affect sexual desire.
  • Physical Recovery First: Allow adequate time for the body to heal after childbirth. Be mindful of the physical recovery process, especially if there was significant perineal trauma or a cesarean delivery.
  • Addressing Discomfort: Seek medical advice to manage any physical discomfort during sex, such as dryness or pain. Using lubricants or finding comfortable positions can be helpful.
  • Emotional Well-being: Emotional health is deeply connected to sexual desire. Postpartum depression or anxiety can significantly affect libido. Seeking support, whether through therapy, support groups, or open conversations with loved ones, is crucial.
  • Rebuilding Intimacy: Focus on intimacy beyond sexual intercourse. Simple acts of closeness like cuddling, kissing, or spending quality time together can strengthen the emotional bond and gradually reignite sexual desire.
  • Communication with Partner: Maintain open and honest communication with your partner about your feelings and needs. Mutual understanding and patience are key during this period.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Incorporate regular exercise and maintain a balanced diet. Physical activity can boost overall well-being and libido, while proper nutrition and rest are essential to manage fatigue.
  • Seeking Professional Help: If libido changes are causing distress or affecting your relationship, consider consulting healthcare providers for advice and potential treatment options. Sex therapy or counseling can also be beneficial.


Postpartum sexual health is an integral component of women's overall health and well-being. Addressing the physical, psychological, and social aspects of postpartum sexual health requires a concerted effort from healthcare providers, partners, and the broader community. By focusing on education, support, and personalized care, we can help women navigate these changes more effectively, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling postpartum experience.


  1. "A scoping review on women’s sexual health in the postpartum period" from Reproductive Health.
  2. "Sex after childbirth: postpartum sexual function" from PubMed.
  3. "The meaning of postpartum sexual health for women living in Spain: a phenomenological inquiry" from PubMed.
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