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Libido Supplements for Women

Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
VB Health
March 21, 2024

Exploring the realm of natural supplements for enhancing libido in women unveils a trove of options rooted in traditional and modern scientific research. Among these, Maca, Tribulus Terrestris Extract, Tongkat Ali, and Red Ginseng stand out due to their historical use and the growing body of scientific evidence supporting their efficacy. Our medical experts look into the specifics of each supplement, shedding light on their potential benefits and the science behind how they work to improve sexual desire and function.

The Role of Maca in Enhancing Libido

Maca, particularly the Black Maca variety, has garnered attention for its potential in increasing sexual desire among both men and women. The magic of Maca lies in its ability to balance hormones and, for women, mitigate some menopausal symptoms (1). This adaptogenic herb hails from Peru and has been a staple in traditional medicine for centuries, used for boosting energy, stamina, and libido (2). Recent studies suggest that Maca's effect on libido enhancement is attributed to its hormone-balancing properties rather than direct hormonal activity, making it a safe option for a broad range of users. Some have even called maca a natural viagra.

Maca is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins (B1, B2, C, E), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron), and more than 20 amino acids. It also contains important bioactive compounds such as glucosinolates and polyphenols, which contribute to its health benefits.

A systematic review published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2010) analyzed randomized clinical trials and found evidence suggesting that Maca improves sexual desire after at least six weeks of ingestion. This effect appears to be independent of changes in mood or hormone levels.

  • Nutrient-Rich: Maca is packed with vitamins (including B1, B2, C, and E), minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, and iron), amino acids, and antioxidants, contributing to overall health and vitality.
  • Energy Booster: Due to its rich nutritional profile, Maca can help increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve stamina, indirectly supporting sexual health and libido.
  • Hormonal Balance: Maca supports the endocrine system, helping to balance hormone levels in the body. This can be particularly beneficial for women experiencing fluctuations in hormone levels due to menopause or menstrual cycles.
  • Mood Enhancement: By modulating mood and reducing anxiety and depression, Maca can contribute to a healthier libido. Its adaptogenic qualities help in managing stress, a common libido dampener.
  • Fertility Improvement: Some studies suggest that Maca may improve fertility in both men and women by increasing semen quality in men and potentially enhancing reproductive health in women.
  • Bone Health: The calcium content in Maca may contribute to bone health, which is especially important for women at risk of osteoporosis, particularly during and after menopause.
  • Antioxidant Effects: Maca has antioxidant properties that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health.

Research on Maca indicates an increase in sexual desire without altering testosterone or estrogen levels, suggesting its mechanism involves hormonal regulation and mood improvement.

Tribulus Terrestris: A Hormone Balancer

Tribulus Terrestris Extract, derived from a plant that grows in moderate and tropical climates, is another supplement reputed for its libido-enhancing properties. The active compounds in Tribulus are believed to elevate sexual function and libido by naturally balancing testosterone levels (see below for more details), which play a crucial role in sexual desire. While traditionally used for male libido and performance, Tribulus Terrestris has shown promising results in women, enhancing sexual satisfaction and desire through its potential endocrine-modulating effects.

  • Libido and Sexual Function: Research indicates that Tribulus Terrestris can enhance sexual desire and function in both men and women. A study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements (2014) found that women who took Tribulus reported significant improvements in desire, arousal, lubrication, and satisfaction, suggesting its efficacy in improving sexual health.
  • Saponins and Protodioscin: The active compounds believed to be responsible for Tribulus Terrestris' effects are saponins, particularly protodioscin. These compounds have been shown to potentially influence the release of nitric oxide in the erectile tissue and improve blood flow, which is crucial for erectile function and arousal.
  • Hormonal Balance: While some claims have been made about Tribulus Terrestris' ability to increase testosterone levels, the scientific evidence is mixed. Some studies suggest it may help balance hormone levels indirectly, which can contribute to improved sexual function and libido without significantly altering testosterone levels directly.

Tongkat Ali: Beyond Hormone Enhancement

Tongkat Ali, known scientifically as Eurycoma Longifolia, is a herbal supplement from Southeast Asia. Renowned for its libido and energy boosting abilities in men, Tongkat Ali also offers benefits for women, particularly in enhancing libido. The herb's adaptogenic effects help improve stress hormone profiles and mood, factors that are closely linked to libido. By modulating the body's response to stress Tongkat Ali can contribute to improved sexual desire and performance.

  • Hormonal Balance and Stress Reduction: Tongkat Ali is known for its ability to improve the body’s stress hormone profile, which includes reducing cortisol levels and potentially enhancing testosterone levels slightly, even in women. This hormonal balancing act can lead to an increase in sexual desire and libido by mitigating the adverse effects of stress and anxiety on sexual health.
  • Energy and Mood Enhancement: Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue, which can indirectly boost libido by improving overall mood and well-being. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2013) observed that participants taking Tongkat Ali experienced improved mood states, with reduced tension, anger, and confusion.
  • Effects on Female Sexual Health: Preliminary research suggests that Tongkat Ali may enhance sexual arousal, satisfaction, and desire in women. Although the research in this area is still emerging, anecdotal evidence and initial studies indicate potential benefits for female sexual health, likely through its adaptogenic and mood-enhancing effects.

Red Ginseng: Boosting Energy and Sexual Arousal

Red Ginseng, a variant of Panax ginseng, is celebrated for its energy-boosting and stamina-enhancing qualities. Its potential in enhancing sexual arousal in women has been the subject of various studies, which suggest that Red Ginseng may improve sexual function by reducing oxidative stress in blood vessels and tissues of the sex organs and facilitating blood flow through the production of nitric oxide. This dual action not only supports overall energy levels but also directly contributes to improved sexual arousal and satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Sexual Arousal: Clinical research has shown that Red Ginseng may have a positive effect on sexual arousal in women. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (2010) found that postmenopausal women who took Red Ginseng experienced an improvement in sexual arousal, suggesting its potential as a natural remedy for improving female sexual function.
  • Improved Sexual Function: Red Ginseng's impact extends to overall sexual function, which includes desire, lubrication, and satisfaction. The mechanisms behind these benefits are thought to be related to Red Ginseng's antioxidative properties, which help reduce oxidative stress in tissues, and its ability to enhance nitric oxide production, improving blood flow to sexual organs.
  • Stress and Mood Improvement: The adaptogenic properties of Red Ginseng can help combat stress and improve mood, both of which are crucial factors affecting libido. By moderating the body's stress response and improving energy levels, Red Ginseng can indirectly contribute to a healthier sexual desire and more fulfilling sexual experiences.
  • Hormonal Effects: While the direct hormonal effects of Red Ginseng on women's libido need further research, its overall benefits for sexual health may be partially attributed to its influence on hormonal balance. By supporting adrenal function and helping to regulate the production of stress hormones like cortisol, Red Ginseng can play a role in maintaining a healthy libido.

Exploring the Psychological Benefits of Libido-Enhancing Supplements

Beyond the physical mechanisms through which libido supplements like Maca, Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali, and Red Ginseng operate, there's an intriguing psychological dimension to their benefits. These supplements do more than just interact with our bodily systems; they also have the potential to influence our mental and emotional states, which are critically important to sexual desire and satisfaction.

  • Mood Improvement: Supplements such as Tongkat Ali and Maca have been shown to improve mood by reducing the impact of stress and balancing hormone levels, which can alleviate mood swings and contribute to a more stable emotional state conducive to sexual desire.
  • Stress Reduction: The adaptogenic properties of these herbs help in managing stress, a major libido dampener. By mitigating the body’s stress response, they can indirectly enhance libido and sexual enjoyment.
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence Boost: Improved sexual function and satisfaction can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence, creating a positive feedback loop that further enhances sexual desire and experiences.

This psychological aspect underscores the importance of approaching libido enhancement from a holistic perspective, recognizing the interplay between mind and body in sexual health.

Integrating Libido Supplements into a Holistic Health Regimen

For those considering incorporating libido-enhancing supplements like Drive Boost into their wellness routine, it's essential to view these supplements as part of a broader holistic health and exercise strategy. While the direct benefits of Maca, Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali, and Red Ginseng are compelling, their effectiveness can be maximized when combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes balanced nutrition, regular exercise, weight lifting, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques.

  • Balanced Nutrition: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains supports overall health and can enhance the body's response to libido supplements.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity not only improves physical health but also boosts mood and libido by increasing endorphin levels.
  • Adequate Sleep: Proper rest is crucial for hormonal balance and can significantly impact sexual desire and performance.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can complement the stress-reducing effects of libido supplements, further enhancing sexual desire.

These lifestyle improvements and supplements can even help women climax, which has proven to be difficult for many women.

Female Libido Supplements

The best results for increasing libido would be a combination of the listed supplements here, like the combination in the libido increasing supplement Drive Boost. Traditionally used by men, women are also enjoying the libido increasing benefits of Drive Boost. This coupled with the vaginal health supplement Soaking Wet can make for an enjoyable sexual experience for women.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3184420
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667031322001075
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Vitaliboost - Supplements for daily health, sex, and performance
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